
Friday, January 8

A Beginning

I missed my covering deprivation trip. Yeah, the one for which I joined J in the first place. Why did I miss the trip? Why? Because of a mosquito, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, a mosquito that decided, a day before I was due to leave, that it just had to serve it's grand purpose on God's green Earth. So, what does it do? After careful examination of the subjects at hand, which could have been anyone from here to Zoozoo land, it bites me.  

I wake up that morning. Wait, actually I don't. My mum wakes up to see that I'm dying. Well, as good as. Malaria, it was confirmed. The next week and half, I alternate between absolute delirium and peachy pain. Add to this, a rash developed from an allergic reaction to a drug meant to cure a rash. The doc looks at my case file, points to the drug in question and off handedly sniggers "over enthusiastic treatment."

And so it starts, my "happy" new year.  

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