
Friday, December 24

Project Prisonbreak

It was sometime around my birthday, I think, that we first started on `Project Prisonbreak' -- Aghori and I.  We had it all sorted. So what we would do is to hike up to the hills, spend two weeks at a bodhi-type retreat and wait for an out-of-body-experience to happen.  Then, we'd return with haloes and power glows (like Gandalf here, see?) and live happily ever after. 

Only, with us being so meticulous and all, we planned until autumn became monsoons, and monsoons became winter and we became bored.  So, then it was back to story boarding. "Definitely has to be the north man", "no, no, the north-east, its so pretty", "how about the west? it will be warm and all", "the south. Yup. God's own country!", "I got it dude, how about the southeast?" 
"Listen, this is not working out. We should be more realistic",  
"Hmmm. True, that."
" Okay, in that case, how about the Andamans. We don't even need a passport!", "Ooh, how about Srilanka, if it's safe?" "Dude, Nepal! Think about the monasteries", or "Bhutan?""Hey, Thailand sounds good no?" "Singapore?" "Air Asia does have some awesome offers." 
"What do you think?" 
"Lets do it!"
We thought they were all awesome. Them of our bank balances? Yeah, not so much.  So, did we even go somewhere? What kind of a moron are you?  Of course, we did!  The winner of Grouchy & Aghori's prison break destination -- Gapakapattana!  You don't look too impressed.  Maybe you didn't hear me right. Let's try again... "the pearl of the orient", " the tourists paradise", "the alcohol capital of India", -- Yes!!! The Kingdom of GOA by any other name. 

Now, I am not sure where we were exactly when the Go-to-Goa-get-drunk-get-laid passed us by (though I have a vague feeling) but let's say that particular rite of passage never happened to us.  Which, needless to say, caused us great angst and misery when girl-gangs and couples regaled us with tales of their Indian-Vegas experience. 
It was, by the by, at this point that post was supposed to have begun. You know, regaling you with all the things we saw,  the people we met, the things we did. 

You! Put that down this instant! No need for violence here, I am getting there.  Right ho, to the highlights of the trip then. Or maybe not just yet.  Behave children, remember, patience is a virtue. 

To be continued... 

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