All or Nothing
Today, I did something I'm rather proud of. Something the stubborn, passive-agressive me of six-months ago would never done. I was fair. I was just. I talked. And, I listened. I won't pretend it was easy. Losing a friend. But I did it anyway.
I'm still a little underwhelmed. But I'm told that's what happens when you go with a plan.
I admit, I always overestimate people I like. I think them the smartest, the coolest and the nicest. Again and again, I give them every benefit of doubt. I think no less of them when they've wronged me. Short of murder and rape, I forgive them pretty much everything.
So, the only thing that can make me truly dislike them is them. When they do things even the idiotically-loyal-me cannot overlook. Still, I hope. I wait and wait for them to prove me wrong.
When they still don't, one day, I switch off. Take them off my radar. Call it a day.
As I did today.
I said my goodbyes. Found my closure.
Now, I move on.
If you truly did, you wouldn't be talking about it...